Trunkroom Channel English

Utilizing BEMS to Increase Satisfaction among Trunk Room Users

What is Quraz’s latest BEM utilization method of running whole buildings as trunk rooms?

As a company that manages whole buildings as trunk rooms, Quraz has previously incurred huge energy costs by operating 24-hour air-conditioning and common area lighting. Because of this, we have been promoting energy saving in our facilities since around 2008. As well as bringing in LED lighting and motion sensor lighting control, we have introduced Building Energy Management Solutions (BEMS), which control air-conditioning automatically. A vital part of taking care of people’s belongings in our trunk rooms is maintaining constant humidity and temperature conditions to prevent mold. Air-conditioning control utilizing BEMS is ideal for meeting this requirement while also saving energy. BEMS can be programed to switch air-conditioning on or off depending on the indoor temperature, as well as change the air-conditioning operational status of each floor independently, making it possible to reduce both the amount of and demand for power. The result of addressing energy conservation in 2008 was a reduction of more than 30% in our electricity costs that year. Furthermore, although we have now increased the number of our stores to 48, our total annual electricity costs remain at around the same level as four years ago. And because we have been able to cut our electricity bills drastically, our payout period has been shortened to about two to three years. We plan to introduce BEMS into all our stores this year, and install LED lighting in the common areas of all our stores by the first quarter of next year. Going forward, we intend to pursue further energy savings through BEMS in order to increase satisfaction among our users.

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